
Site Certifications

Site Certifications



In addition to the site evaluation expertise that is critical to any successful site selection consultant, a strategic partner, and SHEDC through the NC Certified Sites Program, has certified over 4,700 acres of business/industrial property to be “shovel-ready,” ensuring that companies and other site selectors are equipped with all the information needed to develop detailed timelines for development, construction, budgeting, cost control, risk mitigation and planning.

To obtain certification designation, a site must undergo a stringent review process that addresses 31 prerequisites, including (but not limited to):

  1. Business/industrial use designation

  2. Phase 1 environment audits

  3. Geotechnical studies

  4. Topographical analysis and maps

  5. Aerial photography

  6. Availability of public utilities

  7. Industrial power quality

  8. Engineered site development plans

  9. Detailed analysis of development costs

  10. Complete information on pricing


The Virginia Business Ready Sites Program (VBRSP) was established to promote the assessment of the business readiness of potential sites in the Commonwealth of Virginia (the Commonwealth) and to provide grants to support the business readiness development of such sites, thereby enhancing the Commonwealth’s infrastructure and promoting the Commonwealth’s competitive business environment. The VBRSP is a discretionary program administered by the Virginia Economic Development Partnership (VEDP).

Site program from its conception. He has served on the committee responsible for the program development, evaluation of applications and award of site characterization grants and evaluation of 12 applications and award of grants for site development. The total funding in the first rounds of the program totaled approximately $2 million dollars.