Economic development is a hyper-competitive arena with states, regions, communities, and other countries all vying for new jobs and investment. Product in economic development terms is defined as available buildings and sites. Site selection is a process of elimination and the first step in avoiding elimination is to have product that captures the attention of the professional that is directing the process. An essential element of a successful recruitment program is a diverse, quality inventory of product. Without this inventory, a community never gets noticed and never even gets the opportunity to start the race for jobs and capital investment, so crucial for growth and expansion.
SHEDC has assisted many communities to identify, evaluate, control, and develop economic development product; sites ranging in size from 10 acres to parks of over 2500, and buildings in multiple sizes and configurations. We have developed methods of controlling properties that build inventories at little or no cost to the economic development organization, or the unit of local government. Our approach to product evaluation is centered on our experience as site selection consultants, in other words, we know what companies are looking for in a site or building.
SHEDC can provide strategies and evaluations for:
Developable acres
Needed areas of evaluation
Suitability for development
Cost of development and funding strategies
Control of property
Marketing and promotional strategies and programs
Reuse evaluations
Industry sector suitability
Needed areas of evaluations
Cost of expansions and funding strategies
Limiting factors
Control of property
Contact SHEDC today to discuss how we can assist you in giving your product inventory the Leading Edge.