
Competitive Analysis

Competitive Analysis


Successful organizations don’t follow the lead of other organizations and regions they compete for in attracting companies.  However, not understanding how one stands in the competitive market is a major mistake.  We analyze our economic development organization clients from a competitive and comparative standpoint to get a true measure of their position in the market with which it routinely competes for investment and job creation projects. We benchmark against other similar communities within the resident state and region, as well as a select list of organizations external to where our clients are located. Areas of comparative focus include demographic information, as well as available product, labor force, economic base, incentives, support programs, etc. The accumulated data will be combined into an Economic Development Scorecard.  Results can be used for addressing shortcomings and to set goals to improve competitiveness.

  1. Ascension Park, LA

  2. Chesterfield County, SC

  3. City of Cheseapeake, VA

  4. Hagerstown-Washington, MD

  5. Martin County, FL

  6. Virginia Coalfields EDA